Yearly report 2013

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Pedagogical use

Below is shown the questions that make up the section Pedagogical use.

Hint: click a question to see the distribution and details of the question.

Positive answers
All answers
I would like to make more use of information and communications technology in education.
81 %
Students are allowed to use their own devices (such as laptops, smart phones, tablets) in my classes.
36 %
Hyödynnän sosiaalista mediaa (esimerkiksi Facebookia, Twitteriä tai blogeja) viestiessäni vanhempien ja ulkoisten sidosryhmien kanssa.
3.5 %
I share content I have created in the school network or public internet.
20 %
I use ICT for more comprehensive processing of the subject.
78 %
I personally use information and communications technology in most of my classes.
75 %
Students use ICT in most of my classes.
16 %
Students in my school collect a portfolio in a digital learning environment.
11 %
I use the student administration software of my school to communicate between home and school.
92 %
I utilize social media in my teaching.
27 %
I utilize digital contents and digital learning environments to differentiate teaching.
52 %
Students design and create media content (e.g. tv-news or digital magazines) using ICT.
15 %
I organize teaching also outside the classroom utilizing mobile devices.
14 %
I use video as a part of distance education.
6.1 %
I share content I have created to other teachers online.
Once per week or more
All answers
How often do you use ICT in your teaching?
82 %
How often do students create various media contents (e.g. images, sounds and videos) in your classes?
6.5 %
Section Pedagogical use distribution
All answers