Deploy Opeka
Opeka on kaikille opettajille avoin kysely. Opekan käyttöönoton voi tehdä tämän ohjeen mukaan tai soveltaa sitä sopivin osin. Raportit ovat toistaiseksi kouluille ja kunnille maksuttomia ja tavoitteenamme on pitää palvelu maksuttomana myös tulevaisuudessa.
1. Instruct teachers to fill in the questionnaire
- Address for the questionnaire:
- The teacher receives a password in an email as he signs in with his email affress. The teacher can log in any time using the password and modify his answers.
- The questionnaire can be filled in once a year.
- Note! Pay attention to how the teachers of your school fill in the school name, city name and the office name. These answers are used to connect the answers to the correct school. Inform teachers on the right spelling of these names.
2. Open the school and municipality reports
3. Share school reports for concerned parties
- Municipality report contains links to reports of the schools in the municipality.
- You can share the links for principals and other concerned parties.
Notice! Share municipality and school reports only for concerned parties. Do not put the links to a web page because it would enable anybody with an access to that page to view the report.