Yearly report 1.1.2013-25.4.2024

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Below is shown the questions that make up the section Procedures.

Hint: click a question to see the distribution and details of the question.

* = The question has negative effect on the competency level.

Positive answers
All answers
Using ICT equipment requires reservation. *
72 %
I get sufficient and fast enough technical support for the use of ICT at my school.
68 %
I get support and tips from my colleagues on how to use ICT in my teaching.
64 %
My school informs actively about ICT training opportunities.
61 %
There is a positive atmosphere in the working community towards trying out new things in teaching.
78 %
Students give me new ideas on how to use ICT in teaching.
44 %
I feel I am lonely when developing pedagogical use of ICT. *
24 %
I have opportunities to influence ICT purchases at my school.
30 %
I actively influence the ICT purchases in my school.
19 %
My school has jointly agreed goals for using ICT in teaching.
49 %
In my school, it is easy to start developing new modes of operation.
63 %
There is arranged opportunities for sharing pedagogical tips for ICT usage in our work community.
60 %
The development of ICT skills is brought up in my development/performance reviews.
48 %
Our school has imminent technical support (e.g. digital janitor).
51 %
I am familiar with the content of the plan guiding my school’s ICT development work.
33 %
I give support on pedagogical use of ICT to other teachers in my school.
24 %
My school informs actively about ICT training opportunities.
100 %
In my school it is easy to start developing new procedures.
50 %
Our school has a jointly agreed goal for utilizing ICT in teaching.
I have opportunities to influence the ICT purchases in my school.
I actively influence the ICT purchases in my school.
ICT is a part of discussion in development discussions. (Skip the question if you have no development discussions in your school)
Tunnen oppilaitokseni/kuntani kehittämistyötä ohjaavan TVT-suunnitelman sisällön.
I give support on pedagogical use of ICT to other teachers in my school.
Our school has imminent technical support (e.g. digital janitor).
100 %
I get sufficient technical support with sufficient speed for ICT usage in my school.
50 %
I am familiar with the content of the plan guiding the ICT development work in my municipality.
32 %
My school supports me in taking part of ICT training.
The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have mostly been organised during working hours.
43 %
The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have mostly been organised at the employer’s cost.
70 %
The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have been useful in terms of content.
62 %
My school has peer teachers offering ICT instruction.
79 %
I feel that I do not receive support for developing the pedagogical use of ICT. *
25 %
My school has a pedagogical support person available to help with using ICT in education.
79 %
We share tips and support related to the educational use of ICT.
78 %
Access to ICT equipment (such as computers and tablets) requires booking a time slot. *
73 %
The digital learning materials I have produced, I share with other teachers.
44 %
The ICT devices provided by the school are available to the students whenever I want.
78 %
At my school, a paid pedagogical support person works to help with using information and communications technology in education.
64 %
At my school, colleagues support each other with ICT problems without being offered additional compensation.
84 %
I regularly teach using digital devices and content.
94 %
Section Procedures distribution
All answers