Yearly report 31.12.2013-25.4.2018

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Skill survey: Mobile devices

Own respondentsRespondents with interest in training
Mobile devices 2.22.2

Answer distribution (14050 respondents)

I can't doI can do myselfI can show to studentsI can utilize with students in various ways
I can use mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets).4442427
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree
I know how to utilize students' own mobile devices as a part of learning.1016184114
I can utilize mobile devices for creating media contents (e.g. text, pictures, sound, video).1321173514
NeverLess often than monthly1-2 times per monthWeeklyDaily
How often do you use a tablet computer in your teaching or planning of your teaching?2321182611
How often do students use tablets in your classes?252723214

Distribution of respondents interested in training (9542 respondents)

I can't doI can do myselfI can show to studentsI can utilize with students in various ways
I can use mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets).4442526
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree
I know how to utilize students' own mobile devices as a part of learning.917184313
I can utilize mobile devices for creating media contents (e.g. text, pictures, sound, video).1122173712
NeverLess often than monthly1-2 times per monthWeeklyDaily
How often do you use a tablet computer in your teaching or planning of your teaching?2221182711
How often do students use tablets in your classes?252624213