Changes compared to previous years
Compare group: Year 2024 (1907 pcs) | Year 2023 (1628 pcs) | Year 2022 (1652 pcs) | Year 2021 (3882 pcs) | Year 2020 (3594 pcs) | Year 2019 (7810 pcs) | Year 2018 (9609 pcs) | Year 2017 (11934 pcs) | Year 2016 (6094 pcs) | Year 2015 (4850 pcs) | Year 2014 (5331 pcs) | Year 2013 (6031 pcs) | Year 2012 (2380 pcs)
Hint: click a row for details
Students are allowed to use their own devices (such as laptops, smart phones, tablets) in my classes.*** See question distribution: Students are allowed to use their own devices (such as laptops, smart phones, tablets) in my classes. Own answers average 0.6 Compare group answers average -0.8 Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference) |
My employer has provided me with ICT equipment that meets my needs.*** See question distribution: My employer has provided me with ICT equipment that meets my needs. Own answers average 1.4 Compare group answers average 0.4 Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference) |
Students and visitors can log into the school's wireless network with their own devices.*** See question distribution: Students and visitors can log into the school's wireless network with their own devices. Own answers average 0.8 Compare group answers average -1.2 Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference) |
The devices and software I use work well as a whole.*** See question distribution: The devices and software I use work well as a whole. Own answers average 0.9 Compare group answers average 0.6 Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference) |
My school has jointly agreed goals for using ICT in teaching.*** See question distribution: My school has jointly agreed goals for using ICT in teaching. Own answers average 0.5 Compare group answers average 0.1 Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference) |
I get sufficient and fast enough technical support for the use of ICT at my school.*** See question distribution: I get sufficient and fast enough technical support for the use of ICT at my school. Own answers average 0.9 Compare group answers average 0.5 Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference) |
In my school, it is easy to start developing new modes of operation.*** See question distribution: In my school, it is easy to start developing new modes of operation. Own answers average 0.6 Compare group answers average 0.4 Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference) |
I have opportunities to influence ICT purchases at my school.* See question distribution: I have opportunities to influence ICT purchases at my school. Own answers average -0.1 Compare group answers average 0.0 Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference) |
*) The amount of stars implies the statistical significance
This report shows answers between 1.1.2023 and 24.2.2024. Information on this page is fixed.