Yearly report 2014

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Changes compared to previous years

Compare group:   Year 2013 (6031 pcs) |   Year 2012 (2380 pcs)

Hint: click a row for details

Questions with more positive answers than the compare group
I share content I have created in the school network or public internet.***
See question distribution: I share content I have created in the school network or public internet.
Own answers average -0.7
Compare group answers average -1.0
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Using ICT students are able to process the subject more comprehensively.***
See question distribution: Using ICT students are able to process the subject more comprehensively.
Own answers average 1.0
Compare group answers average 0.8
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Students and visitors can log into the school's wireless network with their own devices.***
See question distribution: Students and visitors can log into the school's wireless network with their own devices.
Own answers average 0.2
Compare group answers average -1.2
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Students are allowed to use their own devices (such as laptops, smart phones, tablets) in my classes.***
See question distribution: Students are allowed to use their own devices (such as laptops, smart phones, tablets) in my classes.
Own answers average 0.2
Compare group answers average -0.8
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Is there a wireless network that works in every space in your school?***
See question distribution: Is there a wireless network that works in every space in your school?
Own answers average -0.3
Compare group answers average -1.1
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
I would like to make more use of information and communications technology in education.***
See question distribution: I would like to make more use of information and communications technology in education.
Own answers average 1.1
Compare group answers average 0.8
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
I know the possibilities of Creative Commons licensed materials.***
See question distribution: I know the possibilities of Creative Commons licensed materials.
Own answers average -1.0
Compare group answers average -1.4
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Is there a wireless network in your school?***
See question distribution: Is there a wireless network in your school?
Own answers average 1.3
Compare group answers average 0.2
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
I get support and tips from my colleagues on how to use ICT in my teaching.***
See question distribution: I get support and tips from my colleagues on how to use ICT in my teaching.
Own answers average 0.7
Compare group answers average 0.5
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
I feel I am lonely when developing pedagogical use of ICT.***
See question distribution: I feel I am lonely when developing pedagogical use of ICT.
Own answers average -0.4
Compare group answers average -0.3
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
In my school, it is easy to start developing new modes of operation.***
See question distribution: In my school, it is easy to start developing new modes of operation.
Own answers average 0.6
Compare group answers average 0.4
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
My school has jointly agreed goals for using ICT in teaching.***
See question distribution: My school has jointly agreed goals for using ICT in teaching.
Own answers average 0.3
Compare group answers average 0.1
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
There is a positive atmosphere in the working community towards trying out new things in teaching.***
See question distribution: There is a positive atmosphere in the working community towards trying out new things in teaching.
Own answers average 0.9
Compare group answers average 0.8
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
I build my teaching by following to the textbook.***
See question distribution: I build my teaching by following to the textbook.
Own answers average 0.2
Compare group answers average 0.3
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
My school informs actively about ICT training opportunities.***
See question distribution: My school informs actively about ICT training opportunities.
Own answers average 0.7
Compare group answers average 0.6
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Hyödynnän sosiaalista mediaa (esimerkiksi Facebookia, Twitteriä tai blogeja) viestiessäni vanhempien ja ulkoisten sidosryhmien kanssa.**
See question distribution: Hyödynnän sosiaalista mediaa (esimerkiksi Facebookia, Twitteriä tai blogeja) viestiessäni vanhempien ja ulkoisten sidosryhmien kanssa.
Own answers average -1.7
Compare group answers average -1.8
Statistical significance p < 0.01 (very significant difference)
My employer has provided me with ICT equipment that meets my needs.*
See question distribution: My employer has provided me with ICT equipment that meets my needs.
Own answers average 0.5
Compare group answers average 0.4
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)
Questions with more negative answers than the compare group
Using ICT equipment requires reservation.***
See question distribution: Using ICT equipment requires reservation.
Own answers average 0.9
Compare group answers average -0.3
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
How often do you use ICT in your teaching?***
See question distribution: How often do you use ICT in your teaching?
Own answers average 1.2
Compare group answers average 1.5
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
The devices and software I use work well as a whole.***
See question distribution: The devices and software I use work well as a whole.
Own answers average 0.3
Compare group answers average 0.6
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
ICT fits my style of teaching.***
See question distribution: ICT fits my style of teaching.
Own answers average 0.9
Compare group answers average 1.0
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
I find good ways to utilize ICT in various learning situations.***
See question distribution: I find good ways to utilize ICT in various learning situations.
Own answers average 0.4
Compare group answers average 0.5
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Constantly introducing new technologies into education is strenuous.***
See question distribution: Constantly introducing new technologies into education is strenuous.
Own answers average 0.1
Compare group answers average -0.1
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
In my classes I have an Internet connection with sufficient speed and stability.***
See question distribution: In my classes I have an Internet connection with sufficient speed and stability.
Own answers average 0.5
Compare group answers average 0.7
Statistical significance p < 0.00001 (clearly evident difference)
Students give me new ideas on how to use ICT in teaching.*
See question distribution: Students give me new ideas on how to use ICT in teaching.
Own answers average 0.1
Compare group answers average 0.2
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)

*) The amount of stars implies the statistical significance

More often used devices and software

Below is shown the devices and software that are used more often when compared to the selected compare group.

Year 2014Year 2012
Ylen opettaja.tv169
IPad opetussovelluksia153
Google Chrome4213
Sanoma pro4534
SMART Notebook186
Netistä löytämiäni valmiita tehtäviä558
Google Docs189
Google Earth284
Yle Areena580
Oppikirjojen sähköinen materiaali5335
LibreOffice Writer30
Mozilla Firefox5646
Microsoft PowerPoint6353
Internet Explorer7265
Microsoft Excel4133
Otavan oppimispelit ja tehtävät2217
Paint Shop Pro76

More rarely used devices and software

Below is shown the devices and software that are used more rarely when compared to the selected compare group.

Year 2014Year 2012
WSOY:n oppimispelit2136
Various internet sites3746
Microsoft Paint1620
OpenOffice Write1618
Kirjasarjan tehtävät5658
Windows Movie Maker1112