Yearly report 1.1.2019-16.2.2025

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Changes compared to previous years

Compare group:   Year 2025 (71 pcs) |   Year 2024 (1907 pcs) |   Year 2023 (1628 pcs) |   Year 2022 (1652 pcs) |   Year 2021 (3882 pcs) |   Year 2020 (3594 pcs) |   Year 2019 (7810 pcs) |   Year 2018 (9609 pcs) |   Year 2017 (11934 pcs) |   Year 2016 (6094 pcs) |   Year 2015 (4850 pcs) |   Year 2014 (5331 pcs) |   Year 2013 (6031 pcs) |   Year 2012 (2380 pcs)

Hint: click a row for details

Questions with more positive answers than the compare group
Guiding students in digital learning environments

Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:***
When presenting information in a teaching situation***
My students assess my teaching using ICT.***
Smart phone***
My school has a sufficiently fast and functional internet connection.***
I find good ways to utilize ICT in various learning situations.***
It is easy to make use of information and communications technology (ICT) according to the curriculum.***
I personally use information and communications technology in most of my classes.***
The digital learning materials I have produced, I share with other teachers.***
I make use of digital portfolio work to assess students’ learning.***
My own ICT skills and competences are sufficient when compared with the objectives specified in the curriculum.***
Making use of digital learning materials

Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:***
Interactive whiteboards (such as SmartBoard, Promethean)***
Software for targeted educational purposes, such as multiplication, programming, mathematical illustration, languages, simulation and modeling.***
I am familiar with the principles of using Creative Commons licences.***
When providing feedback for students***
Select the level that best describes your ICT competency.***
I get sufficient and fast enough technical support for the use of ICT at my school.***
I use ICT to perform continuous assessment on my students’ learning.***
I use data obtained from electronic assessment tools, i.e., learning analytics to continuous assess my students’ learning.***
When assigning students exercises, homework and tasks***
My employer has provided me with ICT equipment that meets my needs.***
When conducting a formative assessment of the student’s learning***
Consideration for copyrights

Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:***
Media literacy

Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:***
I know how to print using a 3D printer.***
I know how to utilize digital teaching materials in my teaching.***
I use remote connection software (such as Adobe Connect, Skype) in my teaching.***
Digital learning environments and cloud services (e.g. Google Classroom, O365, SanomaPro, itslearning)***
I know how to use diversely a specific digital learning environment (such as Moodle, SanomaPro, itslearning).***
Laptop computer***
The devices and software I use work well as a whole.***
Access to ICT equipment (such as computers and tablets) requires booking a time slot.***
It is complex to find appropriate high-quality digital materials for the topics being taught.***
I know how to use a specific graphical programming environment designed for educational purposes fluently (such as Scratch, Kodu, Lego Mindstorm).***
Digital information sources (such as websites, wikis, encyclopaedias)***
diminishes students’ interest in studying***
Role of ICT in teaching and learning

Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:***
Students use ICT in most of my classes.***
I know how to build and program various robots (such as Lego Mindstorms EV3, Bee-Bot, Makeblock mBot).***
Upward or downward differentiation for individual students or small groups of students***
Constantly introducing new technologies into education is strenuous.***
I am able to guide my students to produce animations (such as iMotion, Giphy, Animaatiokone).***
I have tried visual or other types of programming with my students.***
My students collect a portfolio for themselves in the electronic learning environment.***
I know how to program diversely with students, using a specific high-level programming language (such as C, Java, PHP, Javascript, C++, Python).***
provides students with the opportunity to use better information sources***
I teach my students to understand and interpret various digital media contents.***
I often discuss with my students the reliability of information available on the Internet and how to use it appropriately (e.g. source markings).***
The parents of my students participate in the learning assessment process, making use of information and communications technology.***
I teach my students various means to participate in society through the Internet.***
Digital learning games (such as Ekapeli, 10Monkeys)***
I regularly follow social media networks to learn new things.***
Students often produce different types of media contents (such as audio, video and images) in my classes.*
Questions with more negative answers than the compare group
During the previous academic year, I have attended ICT continuing education and training in total:***
Desktop computer***
Basic phone***
I would like to make more use of information and communications technology in education.***
The development of ICT skills is brought up in my development/performance reviews.***
The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have mostly been organised at the employer’s cost.***
My school has a pedagogical support person available to help with using ICT in education.***
The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have been useful in terms of content.***
helps students communicate more effectively with others***
Office software such as word processing, presentation tools, spreadsheets***
reduces students’ co-operation with other students***
I am familiar with the content of the plan guiding my school’s ICT development work.***
When I set up a new service or application, I always read its terms of use.***
Teacher’s pedagogical ability to use ICT in differentiation of learning

Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:***
My school has jointly agreed goals for using ICT in teaching.***
erodes students’ calculation and evaluation skills***
Students are allowed to use their own devices (such as laptops, smart phones, tablets) in my classes.***
I often edit information on the Internet (such as Wikipedia) with my students.***
I am able to guide my students to use virtual reality (VR) and/or augmented reality (AR).***
My students know how to act in compliance with the fundamental principles of copyrights.***
We also work with students outside the school buildings using mobile devices (e.g. smartphone, tablet, laptop). ***
helps students develop their skills to plan and direct their own work***
I have opportunities to influence ICT purchases at my school.***
For acquiring and structuring information and for collaborative knowledge-building ***
reduces personal communication between students***
Simulation and modelling software (such as AutoCad, 123D Design)***
I have utilized the earlier results of this questionnaire in the development of my work.***
My students assess each others’ work using digital learning environments.***
There is a positive atmosphere in the working community towards trying out new things in teaching.***
I regularly guide students to use the Internet responsibly and legally.***
Mobile devices (such as tablets, smart phones)***
Students and visitors can log into the school's wireless network with their own devices.**
helps students combine and process information more efficiently**
My school has peer teachers offering ICT instruction.**
Information collection and monitoring tools (such as devices with temperature, light or speed sensors)*
In my school, it is easy to start developing new modes of operation.*
Tablet computer*
The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have mostly been organised during working hours.*

*) The amount of stars implies the statistical significance