Yearly report 1.1.2024-17.4.2024

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Changes compared to previous years

Compare group:   Year 2024 (967 pcs) |   Year 2023 (1628 pcs) |   Year 2022 (1652 pcs) |   Year 2021 (3882 pcs) |   Year 2020 (3594 pcs) |   Year 2019 (7810 pcs) |   Year 2018 (9609 pcs) |   Year 2017 (11934 pcs) |   Year 2016 (6094 pcs) |   Year 2015 (4850 pcs) |   Year 2014 (5331 pcs) |   Year 2013 (6031 pcs) |   Year 2012 (2380 pcs)

Hint: click a row for details

Questions with more positive answers than the compare group
At my school, a paid pedagogical support person works to help with using information and communications technology in education.*
See question distribution: At my school, a paid pedagogical support person works to help with using information and communications technology in education.
Own answers average 0.8
Compare group answers average 0.6
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)
Smart phone*
See question distribution: Smart phone
Own answers average 1.2
Compare group answers average 1.1
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)
Questions with more negative answers than the compare group
I regularly discuss with my students the reliability of information available on the Internet and how to use it appropriately (e.g. source markings).*
See question distribution: I regularly discuss with my students the reliability of information available on the Internet and how to use it appropriately (e.g. source markings).
Own answers average 0.8
Compare group answers average 0.9
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)
I teach my students to understand and interpret various digital media contents.*
See question distribution: I teach my students to understand and interpret various digital media contents.
Own answers average 0.4
Compare group answers average 0.5
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)
I actively guide my students to use digital information search services (such as Google, Wikipedia, Wolfram|Alpha).*
See question distribution: I actively guide my students to use digital information search services (such as Google, Wikipedia, Wolfram|Alpha).
Own answers average 0.5
Compare group answers average 0.6
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)

*) The amount of stars implies the statistical significance