Digital operating environment
ICT equipment and network connections
1. My employer has provided me with ICT equipment that meets my needs.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. The devices and software I use work well as a whole.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. I get sufficient and fast enough technical support for the use of ICT at my school.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. My school has a sufficiently fast and functional internet connection.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. Students and visitors can log into the school's wireless network with their own devices.
[No / I don't know / Yes]
Which of the following devices has your employer provided for your personal use?
1. Desktop computer
[No / Yes]
2. Laptop computer
[No / Yes]
3. Tablet computer
[No / Yes]
4. Smart phone
[No / Yes]
5. Basic phone
[No / Yes]
Organisational culture
ICT use in my working community
1. We share tips and support related to the educational use of ICT.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. In my school, it is easy to start developing new modes of operation.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. I feel that I do not receive support for developing the pedagogical use of ICT.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. My school has jointly agreed goals for using ICT in teaching.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. The ICT devices provided by the school are available to the students whenever I want.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
6. I have opportunities to influence ICT purchases at my school.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
7. I am familiar with the content of the plan guiding the ICT development work in my municipality.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
8. The digital learning materials I have produced, I share with other teachers.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
Professional development
1. During the previous academic year, I have attended ICT continuing education and training in total:
[Not at all / Less than 3h / 3h - 6h / 6h - 2 days / More than 2 days]
2. If you haven't participated in continuing education, why haven't you?
3. What topics would you like more continuing education on?
4. The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have mostly been organised during working hours.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. The continuing training courses in ICT provided for me have mostly been organised at the employer’s cost.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
6. At my school, a paid pedagogical support person works to help with using information and communications technology in education.
[No / I don't know / Yes]
7. At my school, colleagues support each other with ICT problems without being offered additional compensation.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
8. I regularly follow social media networks to learn new things.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
9. The development of ICT skills is brought up in my development/performance reviews.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
10. I have utilized the earlier results of this questionnaire in the development of my work.
[No / Yes]
11. How did you use the results of this questionnaire?
12. If you have not used the results yet, why not?
Pedagogical activities
Personal use of ICT in education
1. I personally use information and communications technology in most of my classes.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. I regularly teach using digital devices and content.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. I incorporate students’ competencies and ideas when teaching using ICT.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. Students are allowed to use their own devices (such as laptops, smart phones, tablets) in my classes.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. If required, I can use video-conferencing software and tools in my teaching (e.g., Teams, Meet and, Zoom)
[No / Yes, but only lesson-like / Yes, interactively with students]
6. Teacher’s pedagogical ability to use ICT in differentiation of learning
Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:
[I have limited or very little knowledge about how ICT can support students’ individual learning. I do not use ICT to promote students’ individual learning. / I have some knowledge of ICT-assisted individual learning, but I find it difficult to identify suitable tasks and working methods for my classes. / I include individualised tasks in my education based on students’ needs and learning preferences, making use of information and communications technology. / I plan individual working methods which make use of information and communications technology to identify and support individual students’ needs, choices and learning preferences. / I plan individual teaching, where ICT encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning in order to control their own learning both within and outside the classroom. ]
Thinking about your typical teaching week, how often do you use information and communications technology (computers and software) for the following purposes?
1. When presenting information in a teaching situation
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
2. Upward or downward differentiation for individual students or small groups of students
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
3. When conducting a formative assessment of the student’s learning
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
4. When providing feedback for students
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
5. For acquiring and structuring information and for collaborative knowledge-building
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
6. When assigning students exercises, homework and tasks
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
Students’ ICT use
1. Students use ICT in most of my classes.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. In my lessons, students study regularly in electronic learning environments.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. We also work with students outside the school buildings using mobile devices (e.g. smartphone, tablet, laptop).
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. My students put together their own portfolios in a digital learning environment.
[No / I don't know / Yes]
5. Guiding students in digital learning environments
Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:
[I have limited or no experience of teaching a group where students work on computers or other devices. I feel the most confident when working with more traditional tools (without ICT). / When teaching a group using computers or other devices, I sometimes find it challenging to control the situation. / I am able to guide students’ digital work, but in such cases, I mostly focus on assisting their digital work, rather than promoting their learning. / I am able to guide students effectively when they are working with various types of ICT equipment, while also supporting their learning. / I am able to guide students effectively when they are working with various types of ICT equipment, while also supporting them individually with learning as well as technical problems.]
Assessment practices
1. I use ICT to perform continuous assessment on my students’ learning.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. I use data obtained from electronic assessment tools, i.e., learning analytics to continuous assess my students’ learning.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. My students assess each others’ work using digital learning environments.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. My students assess my teaching using ICT.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. My students’ parents have the opportunity to participate in the process of evaluating the student's learning using ICT
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
Think about your typical teaching week. How often do you use the following tools in your teaching?
1. Mobile devices (such as tablets, smart phones)
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
2. Touch panel or presentation screen
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
3. Digital learning environments and cloud services (e.g. Google Classroom, O365, SanomaPro, itslearning)
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
4. Digital learning games (such as Ekapeli, 10Monkeys)
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
5. Office software such as word processing, presentation tools, spreadsheets
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
6. Multimedia tools (such as tools for media recording and editing, web production)
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
7. Software for targeted educational purposes, such as multiplication, programming, mathematical illustration, languages, simulation and modeling.
[Never / In some lessons / In about half of lessons / In most of lessons / In almost every lesson]
Have you used the following technologies in your teaching?
1. AR applications (augmented reality)
[Never / Less often than monthly / 1-2 times per month / Weekly / Daily]
2. VR applications (virtual reality)
[Never / Less often than monthly / 1-2 times per month / Weekly / Daily]
3. Applications using generative artificial intelligence (AI)
[Never / Less often than monthly / 1-2 times per month / Weekly / Daily]
Information society skills and media education
1. I teach my students (regularly) various information society civic skills, online dealings and influence.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. I teach my students to understand and interpret various digital media contents.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. I actively guide my students to use digital information search services (such as Google, Wikipedia, Wolfram|Alpha).
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. I offer the students experiences of using ICT in interaction and networking
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. I regularly discuss with my students the reliability of information available on the Internet and how to use it appropriately (e.g. source markings).
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
6. Media literacy
Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:
[I seldom search for information on the Internet to use it for teaching. I put more trust in printed/traditional information sources, such as books. / I find information on the Internet and use it for my teaching, as long as it is easy to find and access. I would like to learn more about the means by which I could find suitable and high-quality information. / I choose and use information found on the Internet in a critical manner. / I teach my students the skills and capabilities to assess and check the quality of information found on the Internet. / I teach my students the skills and capabilities to assess and check the quality of information found on the Internet. I challenge my students to discuss the reliability of the information that they have found.]
ICT use at school:
1. provides students with the opportunity to use better information sources
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. erodes students’ writing skills
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. helps students combine and process information more efficiently
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. reduces students’ co-operation with other students
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. helps students communicate more effectively with others
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
6. diminishes students’ interest in studying
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
7. reduces personal communication between students
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
8. helps students develop their skills to plan and direct their own work
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
9. erodes students’ calculation and evaluation skills
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
10. promotes learning and learning outcomes.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
Digital contents and learning environments
1. I can use a digital learning environment fluently (e.g. Google Classroom, O365, Moodle, SanomaPro,, itslearning).
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. I know how to utilize digital teaching materials in my teaching.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. It is complex to find appropriate high-quality digital materials for the topics being taught.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. Making use of digital learning materials
Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:
[I seldom search for and use digital learning materials for my teaching. I have limited knowledge of where to find digital learning materials. / I search for and make use of digital learning materials that are well-suited to the topic being taught. I use digital materials that are easy to find online. / I know how to search for and choose some sources of digital learning materials that students can use in support of learning. / I am putting together a collection of high-quality digital learning materials, which students can access freely. Students can independently choose learning materials that support their own studies and needs. / I combine several sources of digital learning materials, which are available to my colleagues and students. I teach my students to critically assess the digital learning materials that suit them best.]
Safe and responsible action
1. I guide my students to protect themselves against common information security risks and data loss.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. I regularly guide students to use the Internet responsibly and legally.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. I guide my students to adopt ergonomic working postures.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. I intersperse my students’ work with regular breaks to avoid making them sit for too long.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
5. When I set up a new service or application, I always read its terms of use.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
6. I am familiar with the principles of using Creative Commons licences.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
7. I guide my students to act according to the basic principles of copyright.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
8. Consideration for copyrights
Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:
[I know that some contents found on the Internet are subject to copyrights, but I don’t know how these are defined and what materials can and cannot be used. / I have basic knowledge of copyrights and Creative Commons licences, for example, but I don’t know how to use them in my teaching practice. I have not paid attention to this with my students. / I want to use copyrights correctly for all the contents that I use and produce. However, I sometimes don’t know what would be the best way to comply with copyrights in practical terms. / I comply with copyrights and also teach my students how to comply with copyrights and how to use different types of licences (such as by telling them about open sources and open licences). / I make sure that my students comply properly with copyrights and licences (such as open sources and open licences, including Creative Commons).]
Media skills and new operating environments
1. I am able to guide my students to produce animations (such as iMotion, Giphy, Animaatiokone).
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. I know how to build and program various robots (such as Lego Mindstorms EV3, Bee-Bot, Makeblock mBot).
[No, I don’t / Yes, I know how to use it myself / Yes, I can show to students / Yes, I can utilize with students in various ways]
3. I know how to print using a 3D printer.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
4. I have tried visual or other types of programming with my students.
[No / I don't know / Yes]
5. I know how to use a specific graphical programming environment designed for educational purposes fluently (such as Scratch, Kodu, Lego Mindstorm).
[No, I don’t / Yes, I know how to use it myself / Yes, I can show to students / Yes, I can utilize with students in various ways]
6. I know how to program diversely with students, using a specific high-level programming language (such as C, Java, PHP, Javascript, C++, Python).
[No, I don’t / Yes, I know how to use it myself / Yes, I can show to students / Yes, I can utilize with students in various ways]
Competence area
1. I find good ways to utilize ICT in various learning situations.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
2. My own ICT skills and competences are sufficient when compared with the objectives specified in the curriculum.
[Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly agree]
3. Select the level that best describes your ICT competency.
[There are deficiencies in my ICT skills. / I have basic ICT skills. / I have advanced pedagogic ICT skills. / I'm an ICT expert and provide peer support for teachers. / I'm an ICT expert, share my knowledge for the community and develop the skills of the work community.]
4. Role of ICT in teaching and learning
Please choose the description below that best fits your situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:
[I’m not sure how the use of ICT could support my teaching and my students’ learning. / I find information and communications technology useful for preparing my classes and aim to include some in my teaching, but I’m not completely sure about its benefits in education. / I think that the use of ICT can change the learning process and make my own teaching more effective. / I think that the use of ICT enriches both my teaching and my students’ learning experiences. / I think that ICT plays a key role in modernisation of teaching and students’ learning processes as well as in development of students’ learning outcomes and competences.]
5. In your opinion, what are the barriers to digitalisation development in your school or in schools within your town?
6. How would you develop the digitalization of the school?